Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine, Pray for Us!

Well, brothers and sisters, today is that famous lovey-dovey holiday that we all know and love tolerate. Those who are lucky enough to have found their significant other will be spending their day in romance land, while the people who are left single on this day of anti-singleness will be stuck sitting on their couches eating Ben and Jerry's and crying over their lack of company. 
Me? I'll be amongst the loners with the ice cream. The difference? I'll be eating the cheap store brand ice cream. (I know, no boyfriend AND too poor to afford Ben and Jerry's.) That, and I won't be crying. I'm single and happy to say it. Why does our society look down on being single? It's like that you have to always have to have a boyfriend to be happy. Well, guess what? I'm too busy to have a boyfriend. Too busy being single, that is! Eat THAT, society! 
Besides, I'm only sixteen. My parents don't want me to date until I'm eighteen and I not only respect that, I agree with it, too. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of friends who are in relationships and I think they're adorable and I hope the absolute best for them. It's just that the majority of high school relationships don't last all that long, and the people that are now each other's exes are left heartbroken. I'm not saying that all of them end up like that, it's just that enough do so that I don't want to take the chance right now. 
When I do end up dating, I'm going to be very picky in my choice of boyfriends. I'm leaving it up to God to pick out the right guy for me. I already have a long list of requirements for the mandidates (see what I did there? Man +candidates = mandidates.) that might enter my life in the future. For the sake of the length of this post, I won't list all 138,721 (and counting) of them, but I just might do it if when I get bored sometime. Just for the heck of it. 
Anyways, I trust that God has someone truly special in mind for me. It's kind of creepy/cool to think about. He's here on this earth. (I hope. I mean, I don't think God would want me to marry an Martian, would He? Nah.) He's doing something right now. He has a life, without me... yet. Is he Catholic? I mean, he will be once I'm through with him if he's going to marry me. Does he go to church? Does he enjoy it, or merely tolerate it? Is he in Lifeteen? Do I know him already and God just hasn't yet taken the blinders from my eyes? Thoughts such as these run through my head in the moments I lie awake in bed before I take my nightly trip to dreamland. I pray for him everyday and I regularly offer up sacrifices with him in mind. 
So today I'll be sitting here, eating my cheap ice cream, wasting my time reading through numerous blogs, possibly finishing some Latin homework, and praying for my future man. But I think I might give both myself and our precious Lord a little Valentines gift later on and pay Him a visit. What better way to spend Lover's Day than with Love Himself? This just might turn out to be a pretty swell Valentine's Day after all. 


  1. You know the words on your wall behind your head are backwards in the picture, right?

    1. Haha, it's taken with the webcam. It acts like a mirror. It's a JPII quote, in case you were wondering.
