Tuesday, April 17, 2012

50 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

   1.) Learn to communicate using sign language
   2.) Skydive
   3.) Read the whole Bible
   4.) Get over the number 4 *shudders*
   5.) Learn to ride a unicycle
   6.) Go to Rome
   7.) Have tea with the Pope. (Hot chocolate will do, too.)
   8.) Snow ski
   9.) Learn to juggle
  10.) Learn to whistle (on key)
  11.) I have a list of people who don’t know how to hug for the life of them. It’s annoying. One of these days, I’m going to teach each and every one of them the proper way to hug.
  12.) Learn to ballroom dance
  13.) Learn to swing dance
  14.) Live at least a week in a snowy place. Don’t kill myself. (Yes, these go together.)
  15.) W rite a book completely dedicated to my faith
  16.) Be a part in the conversion of a soul to the Catholic faith
  17.) Fly in a helicopter. Don’t die.
  18.) Ride a really scary roller coaster. Don’t die.
  19.) Learn to walk in heels. Don’t die.
  20.) Finish one journal each year for the rest of my life.
  21.) Go on a plane ride. (I should probably do this before #2)
  22.) Watch all the important Disney movies that I haven’t seen yet
  23.) Become a better listener
  24.) Keep my virginity until marriage
  25.) Develop a friendship with at least fifty different saints
  26.) Learn to care about football
  27) Receive my first kiss from a holy, Jesus-approved guy. Don’t die.
  28.) Graduate high school with a B average.
  29.) Slap someone stupid in the face
  30.) Pray for them
  31.) Vacation in England
  32.) Become good friends with an elderly person
  32.) Learn to be a proper lady
  33.) Fish with someone who enjoys it. Don’t die of boredom.
  34.) Heck, maybe even learn to enjoy it myself!
  35.) Learn to surf
  36.) Write something beautiful
  37.) Learn to sew. Don’t die.
  38.) Learn to appreciate Shakespeare
  39.) Have a large family
  40.) Learn to do a pull up
  41.) Meet Mark Hart personally
  42.) Eat at least five different strange(ish) foods
  43.) Learn how to cut a guy’s hair in more than one stylish haircuts
  44.) Get over my stupid obsession with the number 4!
  45.) Learn to play the harmonica
  46.) Bake a gluten free recipe ACTUALLY using all of the five different flours required
  47.) Become a teacher at the Arizona Schools for the Deaf and Blind
  48.) Write a Catholic novel
  49.) Go on a mission trip to either Africa or somewhere in South America
  50.) Sing an entire Rosary

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