Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reasons why I'm sure I'm going to die:

1. I just started a job at Sonic. I have to skate while carrying a tray that weighs almost as much as I do. The problem? I can't skate. 
2. Two words: History honors project. That's three words. I can't count either.
3. I need to know how to count so I can give customers the right amount of change. What I've learned? The mailman is better at counting than I am. I also learned that we have a really nice mailman. 
4. I'm going to walking to this job. It's about a mile and a half away. It's not uncommon for it to be 110 degrees in the summer. 
5. I have, like, four essays that I need to finish this week. I have no desire to even start any of them.
6. I have AIMS testing next week. Math and science. (aka the subjects that I cannot do for the life of me.) 
7. My mom bought this new $700 blender. Her theory is that food's healthier when it's ground up. Especially if it includes kale or spinach or anything green like that. 
8.Her other theory is that you can't taste healthy food when it's ground up with other yummy foods. She made me put kale in my ice cream. 
9. Learning to drive. Those words alone send shivers up my spine. 
10. You know how people say that their cat is plotting to kill them? Well, my three year old little brother has been giving me these murderous looks lately...


  1. Your working at Sonic this summer? That's so cool! Mary Kate says that she would be too ditsy to skate while carrying food, I guess that's why she works at McDonald's instead. :)

  2. You should also learn to spell "customer." If you continue to call all your customers "costumers" (like in reason number 3), that would bring you to reason #11: an angry customer's secret identity is actually as a costumer. Because he thought you had found him out, he would have to kill you.

  3. :D Driving?! How awesome. I get my license tomorrow ^.^ Or at least I am hoping that I do. Time for me to get a job. I was thinking Sonic too! How is it there? :P

    1. I really like Sonic. It really does attract good costumers, most who tip well. I saw your fb status on getting a license! Congrats! :D
