Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Title Was Better Than the Actual Essay

The title of the last essay I had to write in my sophomore year: 

stupid latin essay which I hate and will never have to do again after this semester so I will finish it with a grimace slash smile on my face because I hate this very much and it simply does not seem to work out and romeo and juliet and dido and that other guy are really hard to compare to each other so I hate it and this title is easier to come up with than this stupid essay that I hate very much and I offer this up for my mom because its mothers day and for those who would love to take latin in school but cant because their school is stupid slash lucky because latin is a dumb subject to take unless youre trying to understand the latin mass better because the alter boys there are really really cute even though theyre really quite stupid but they have nice blue eyes so that makes them quite adorable even though Im over that loser boy and i dont hate him like I hate this latin essay and this title is probably going to be longer than the actual essay because this stupid essay is hard to write because I cant find the stupid story of dido and that other guy in english so this entire predicament in stupid and i dont like it one bit i like FRED more than i like this essay which is saying something because I hate FRED and i like larry boy better than everything which makes no sense because larry boy and i are star crossed lovers because were madly in love but we cant get married because hes a cucumber and im a mere human but we both love God but he doesnt really exist which makes me sadder than the fact that I have to write this essay which I should probably stop writing the run on sentence of a title and start writing the actual essay which is stupid and will probably make me go so insane that I will start liking to eat children with ketchup and now thats making me hungry so now im on the verge of insanity and omygosh its happening already do i should probably start writing that essay now so i dont go even more insane if thats possible the end

The title ended up being too long, so I ended up just calling it "Stupid Latin Essay," which fit just as well. 

It was a really, really bad essay. 

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