Sunday, February 19, 2012

Congratulations Michael!

Michael received his first Communion today! It's been so cute watching him get so excited in his preparation over the weeks. He requested that red bow tie specifically. (Yes, I am proud to say that he's my brother.) He memorized all the major Catholic prayers. He "practiced" going up and receiving crackers. This morning he was so nervous, he was worried he might pee on his nice new suit. It was all worth it, though.
As I watched him go up to the Carmelite in the Jedi robe, my heart was racing for him. He just looked so innocently excited. I caught a glimpse of his face as he made the triumphant march back to his pew. Joy. Pure joy.
Of course, he had to Michaelize the moment when I asked him how he felt when he received the actual Body of Christ for the very first time. His response? "I just ate His real live Flesh. It kinda grosses me out." 


  1. Ahhh..Rachel this Irish blessing is for you..

    Deep peace of the running wave to you.
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
    Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
    Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you!!

    You are so loved by God..oh and me tooo!..Aunt Mary
