Monday, February 20, 2012

My Little Saint

Today is the feast day of my favorite little saint in Heaven, Blessed Jacinta Marto. I chose her as my Confirmation saint because I admired her dedication: her dedication to our Mother Mary and her dedication to be pleasing to her Son, Jesus. She was the youngest of the Fatima children, but was just as strong in her faith as anyone. She had a childlike and innocent, yet passionate and burning love for Jesus. She was a sweet little girl with a love for music, dancing, and all the beautiful things in life. 
Her strength amazes me. She suffered the taunts of her family and friends when the word of her Heavenly sighting went out. It had to have been hard for her to have gone through something like that, but she took it without complaint. She offered up sacrifices for Jesus constantly all the way up to her death, when she had to suffer her last minutes alone. 
She is such a beautiful saint and I love her so much. Even though she was only a little girl, she's my role model. She's helped me to understand and appreciate the times when I'm feeling sick or uncomfortable. Because of her, I no longer see suffering as something to despise having, but rather as an opportunity to be one with Christ in His suffering. Suffering is beautiful, and Jacinta is the one who helped me to realize it. 
"And now I am happy about my suffering for you. For by means of my physical sufferings, I am helping to complete what still remains of Christ's sufferings, on behalf of His body, the Church." Colossians 1:24
Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto, pray for us! 

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