Friday, February 10, 2012

Rachel Goes VAROOM!

I hate driving. Scares the goollash out of me and any other poor citizen who happens to be in the car at the wrong time (aka when I'm at the wheel.) Don't get me wrong, it's way cool knowing that I'll soon get to have the freedom of having my own license to get around and not having to rely on my non-reliable older sister or some other poor neighbor who happens to be going the same place as me. However, it's not so cool having the control over whether or not the other passengers and I live through the trip. I always get the horrible feeling that I'm going to hit some innocent grandmother or something. Or a cat. Or some stupid teenager who thought he'd be cool and ignore Barney's rule about looking both ways before crossing the street. 
My parents are obviously nervous about it even more than I am. I was driving my mom to the doctor to get some extra practice hours in and she made a comment: "It's like a roller coaster, but there's no guarantee of safety." When she gets scared, she shrieks and grabs at me and yells for me to stop. It's a wonder how I manage to keep us on the road. 
My dad, however, has entirely different way of looking at it: "It's like an amusement park ride, but you don't have to pay!" He's more of the type to lift his hands in the air and be all WEEEEE! I don't know what's more annoying/distracting: My mom getting freaked or my dad having way too much fun. This upcoming drivers test is starting to make me a bit nervous. 
Bring it.   

1 comment:

  1. (Now that I've figured out how comments work, I'd better put this here:)
    One of the only things that has even brought me close to a real life ROFL. I think the description of your dad is pretty funny, because I know that that's what he's really like.
