Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bear With Me a Few Years, Okay?

I am a teenager. I am the one with the braces and the zits, the greasy hair and the mood swings. Boys have all of a sudden stopped being yucky cootie freaks and started actually started being... dare I say it? Kinda cool. I can drive on the big-girl road. I have to get a job. School actually takes effort to keep up with. Not to mention how it's actually going to effect my future. Heck, future? I can start to feel it creeping up on me faster and faster. Stress has introduced its ugly face to my life. 
I'm in that awkward place between the blissful years of childhood and the years of responsibly of adulthood. I'm the kid... kind of. I'm the adult...well, not quite yet. No one's exactly sure what to expect of me. And neither am I. I don't want to be treated like a child, but more like the adult I'm soon to be. I don't want to be spoken down at, but rather spoken to as a person who has more brains cells than a six year old. But at the same time, I'm so new, so very small in this big world. I want to go back in time and be the small child resting in my mom's arms, protected in her motherly embrace from all of the troubles of the world. 
Sometimes I want to sit in a corner and cry until I shrivel up into a raisin. Sometimes I want to sing praise songs to my God until my voice gets raw and I cough up blood. Sometimes I want to scream at everyone and everything for no apparent reason. Sometimes I want to laugh until my face gets stuck in a ridiculous grin. Sometimes I want to break all of the glass in the cabinet, just to feel the satisfying chill that goes up your spine when it shatters. Sometimes I want to dress in a long white dress and dance in a beautiful open field with the sun on my face, the wind blowing my hair, and the angels dancing at my side. I have my imperfections, but I'm so perfectly beautiful in God's eyes, it almost doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. Almost.
I am a teenager. I am the misunderstood generation. Just give me a word of encouragement, give me a hug, give a smile, and keep me going. I am a teenager. 
I need it. 

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