Sunday, May 6, 2012

And Gravity Wins Yet Again

It was a hot day. A painful, sweaty, scorching hot day. To top it all off, the air conditioning wasn't working quite right, making the heat all the more unbearable. It was sometime in the middle of my shift, during a time when everyone and their mother decided that they wanted Sonic for lunch. Sweat pouring from underneath my uniform visor, I rushed from car to car, trying to serve the customers as best as I could in my uncomfortable state. As soon as I felt as if I was going to collapse from both the heat and pure exhaustion, the rush finally came to a break. Grateful for the moment of rest that I had, I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. And then the order came in. 
At first, I paid it no mind. It was nothing out of the ordinary: Super Sonic Cheese Burger, tater tots, and a cherry slush. Not a large order, not too many drinks. Nothing special, really. The guy was even parked at Station 11, a curb at which I'd successfully stepped off and served to customers dozens of times already. I've never even fallen before. I thought I had nothing to worry about. 
I scanned for the order, ready to skate outside and serve the man at Station 11, just as I had so many times before. Humming the VeggieTales hit "Oh Where is my Hairbrush" under my breath, I pushed through the door, tray in hand, and skated my way towards the customer's car at Station 11. Turning my foot to the side, I skidded to a stop right before I came to the curb and placed my right foot on the ground, making sure that I had my balance before I put all my weight on it. Satisfied that I was safe to continue on, I pushed off with my left foot. Unexpectedly, I pushed a little too hard, causing my right foot to glide farther than I was expecting. 
It all went by so fast, but at the same time, the world around me seemed to go in slow motion. My feet slid from under me and I went crashing to the ground with a painful THUD. Tater tots were everywhere. I could feel the poor customer's cherry slush dripping down my pants leg. Oh, the pain! Oh, the humiliation! 
The customer leaped out of his car. (Side note: Good lord, he was a model. I swear. I always manage to make a fool out of myself in front of the attractive fellows. Now I know if I ever want to find a cute guy, all I gotta do is something stupid. They always happen to appear when I'm acting like a dork.) Being the good man I'm sure he was, he was very concerned for me. He didn't even care about his food. I was in pain, sure, but I was more humiliated that anything. I couldn't meet his eye, as tears were coming into my own. I hurriedly picked up the things that I'd dropped and flew back inside. Everyone looked at me with a mixture of shock and concern on their faces. Ashamed, I gave the cherry-soaked receipt to the cook that he could remake the order. 
I hurt: my back hurt, my elbow hurt, my pride hurt. Ignoring my vow with myself that I'd never  go as low as crying at work because of a fall, I let the tears drip down my face. To make matters worse, they told me to bring the order back out. To the Mr. Model Man who watched me sit on his lunch. Shamefully, I obeyed. 
As I skated back to Station 11, I kept my head down low. Every customer in the lot had heard my scream and saw my fall. As I passed by them. many asked me if I was alright. I just put on my best fake grin and said that yes, I was okay and there was nothing to worry about. 
I made it to Station 11 safely the second time around. As I glided up to the customer's car, I tried my best to look as if falling had been no big deas, but as Mr. Model Man looked at my tear stained face, I could tell that he knew otherwise. I'm grateful for the fact that he didn't mention anything about my clumsiness, but rather just took his newly-made lunch with a concerned smile. He even tipped me, believe it or not. 
Yup. Just another day in the life of a carhop at Sonic. 


  1. Ouch. Other than the painful incidents, how do you like your job on the whole?

    1. I like it a lot! Generally the people are really nice and fun to work with. And I get some pretty good tips, which is nice. And I'm getting so much EXERCISE! And everything is more fun when you do it on skates. :)
