Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Sacred Heart Statue Started Beating Faster When I Saw You...

It’s Palm Sunday, may I hold your palm?
Did you feel what I felt when we reached into the holy water font at the same time?
You have beautiful brown scapular colored eyes.
Haven’t I seen your face on a Holy Card somewhere?
Your hair is as soft as the cord of my rosary.
Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
I have a vocation to the married life. Will you help me out?
God was showing off when he made you.
I lost my rosary. Can I use your fingers?
Are you Saint Anthony? Because you found my heart.
The word says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry," how about dinner?
You're as lovely as a rose. Hey, you must be my answer to the novena I was praying to St. Therese the Little Flower!
My Guardian Angel thinks you're kinda cute
God said it is not good for man to be alone. So how about it?
When I saw you, I knew the true meaning of "Rejoice and Be Glad."
You know, God is pure beauty...I see a lot of God in you.
You like Jesus? I like Jesus! We could go like Jesus together...
Don't worry, I'm attracted to you purely in a spiritual way.
A little bird... the Holy Spirit actually... tells me we should get to know each other a little better.
Has anyone ever told you, your eyes are like doves and your neck like the tower of David?
I know this great place to go to on Sunday mornings. They have the best wine!
So YOU'RE the third secret of Fatima?!
Dinner. My Place. Tomorrow. Don't argue; it's a feast of obligation.
If I had a bead for every time I though of you, I'd have a joyful mystery.
Let me help you carry that cross
You put the "Holy" in "Holy Spirit".

1 comment:

  1. My favorite: If I had a bead for every time I thought of you, I'd have a joyful mystery!

