Friday, June 1, 2012

20 Questions: Eric

This is Eric. He's... special. He has this thing with being cosmetically damaged. He's been a faithful actor with Somebody Else's Shoes Productions for the past two movies. He and I were co-stars of the production "The Loser Chronicles." We make a fantastic team. Here's the 20 Questions that he so graciously did with me: 

1. What's your full name?
Randrossypoo Alexander Hellsbuck.
2. What's the story behind your name? 
Well I only just recently discovered my full name, but after years of searching and research I have determined that I am a genetic hybrid between Rossypoo Helland and Andrew Starbuck. Thats where Randrossypoo and Hellsbuck come from. And as for Alexander, it just sounded cool!
3. Do you like cars?
I love cars. ALOT!!!
4. What's your least favorite car? Elaborate. 
If I had to pick a least favorite car it would have to be.........The 1974 Ford Mustang 2! The reason this is my least favorite car ever is because this was not only a horrible looking thing that completely strayed from what the prior Mustangs had nearly perfected, but it was also a disgrace to what the muscle car and cars in general were supposed to be! This car was supposed to be a fun powerful and exciting american muscle car that you looked forward to getting into and driving everyday, but instead the public got a horrible looking, 4 cylinder, underpowered disgrace of a car! And just to make things even worse than they already are, this was the first and last American Muscle Car to have a 4 cylinder engine put under the hood, and the worst bit of it all, was that it carried the same name as the almost equaly as horrible Ford Pinto and that in and of its self is why its my least favorite car ever!!! Rant Concluded!!!
5. Have you ever worn makeup?
I have worn make up on multiple occasions, but only to bring movies or partys from 4 out of 5 stars to 5 out of 5 stars! Besides, you could say its for a good cause!
6. What's your favorite brand of makeup remover?
Well seeing how I've only worn make up twice and only had make up remover on one of those occasions i would say that the one that you loaned me is my favorite!
7. Who do you recommend for a makeup artist? 
I recommend to any makeup artist to always make the client happy and consult anyone but Rachel Hitchcock for advice!!! XD
8. What pet frightens you?
If i have to pick a particular pet that frightens me it would have to be my friend Paul Mathers Dog! That thing just Frightens me for whatever bizzare reason!
9. What is something most people do not know about you?
Something that most people dont know about me is there is something that people dont know about me!
10. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
If I could have one super power it would probably have to be the ability cause and effect! Basicly having the ability to be perfect at doing anything because you always know the best way to do it!
11. Do you celebrate your car's birthday? 
Well I count my cars birthday at every 10,000 miles! Mostly because on average, drivers go 10,000 miles per year so it makes sense!
12. What's your favorite Lifeteen memory? 
I would have to say my favorite lifeteen memory would have to be at the biblical badass night when Andrew Starbuck flipped the table over on the stage! It was pretty bad ass!!!
13. What's the best word you've ever played in Bananagrams?
The best word I've ever done is definitely Transubstantiated!!!
14. If you had to shoot your Spot It cards or your Frisbee, which would you choose?
Well I would shoot my frisbee because frisbees are cheaper than spot it! And I've got extra frisbees so its all good!
15. Why have you been arrested so many times?
I have been Arrested so many times because every time I go to play on my favorite playground theres this crazy lady in a blue car who drives by and says shes going to call the cops! I blame my rough life on her!
16. What musical instrument do you play? What color is it? 
I play the guitar and piano and sing! the piano I play is black my guitar is wood and my voice is flesh!
17. Speaking of which, what's your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue! And for all the girls that might read this its just blue! Not navy, not Teal, but BLUE!!!
18. What word do you have trouble saying?
I dont hav eny problums saying wirds! My gramer is grayt!
19. If you where an alien and you could abduct anyone on earth, who would you abduct and why?
Im not an alien!!!!! Why would you think im an Alien????? Thats a pretty crazy acusation!!! I mean my skins not green!!! I've got 5 fingers and 5 toes!!! WHY WONT YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20. Who's the best loser/makeup artist named Rachel Claire Hitchcock who's more beautiful than you and can speak really good? 
Well I dont know anyone who has a more beautiful voice than me, speakes really WWWEEELLLLLL!!!!!!! And is the best loser/makeup artist I know named Rachel Claire Hitchcock! So unfortunately I cant answer this last question! Sorry!!!

One thing I learned about Eric is that he must have had excitement overload in his childhood that gave him periodphobia, which causes him to use an abundance of exclamation points. 


  1. I like his better than mine, his answers were funnier =)

    1. Haha, yours were funny, too! But I was able to ask him questions based on his personality and stuff because I know how he has such strong opinions about certain things.
