Tuesday, February 21, 2012

15 Things About Me That You Probably Didn't Need to Know (But Now You Know Anyways):

1. I am madly in love with peanut butter. Bonus points if there's chocolate involved. 
2. I have double-jointed thumbs. 
3. There is a magnet on our refrigerator in the shape of a butterfly. It sticks to my braces. I am way too amused by that.
4. I passionately hate the number four.
5. Toes fascinate me. 
6. My grandmother used to be a clown. 
7. People with blue eyes used to scare me.
8. My favorite color is Holy Spirit red. And orange. And yellow. 
9. I've been proposed to six times by six different guys. 
10. Out of all the girls in my family, I have the smallest feet. (Size 7, in case you feel like buying me shoes or something.)
11. I rarely get songs stuck in my head, but rather phrases. ("Consubstantial with the Father" is currently replaying itself over and over again in my head.)
12. I have a list of 37 of my favorite names for my future children.
13. I'm learning sign language because I want to be a teacher for the deaf someday. 
14. I love hats. If you're wearing something other than a baseball cap or a beanie, you're automatically super cool in my book.
15. If you want to be my friend, start quoting VeggieTales around me. I will immediately love you forever and ever. 

1 comment:

  1. "Your so odd. . . and awesome!" is my absolute favorite veggietales quote! It fits mary kate so well it's scary!
