Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bring On the Ashes!

My family didn't get a chance to go to Mass today to get our ashes. You know, getting the ashes is the best part of Ash Wednesday, so naturally I was disappointed. I really, really wanted to get ashes. So I used my computer to put ashes on a picture of myself. I did remember to say "ashes to ashes and dust to dust" as I moved the cursor over my forehead. Close enough, right? 
This is the first Lent in my life that I'm not really dreading. I don't know what it is, but I think I'm actually... excited for Lent. Call me crazy, but I'm not the type of person to turn away from suffering. I've learned to embrace it as a gift from God. That's really what it is. God's given us all our own crosses that we must carry throughout our lives here on earth. We don't usually have a choice in which cross we carry. We do, however, have a choice in how we carry them. We can be moaners and groaners and complain about every splinter that pierces our skin along the way. Or we can embrace our crosses with a smile, and walk beside Jesus as He encourages us and leads us towards Heaven. 

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