Monday, February 13, 2012

The Prayer of a 16 Year Old Girl

Dear Daddy in Heaven,

I know that You have a wonderful man in mind for me to marry someday. I pray that he has the characteristics listed above as well as: Catholic, good father material, hardworking, romantic, and a real family guy who wants a large one of this own. I also wouldn't complain if he had blue eyes and a nice smile. Either that or have a Pier Giorgio Frassati look to him. Either way, I look forward to the day I meet him. I ask that You help him to continuously grow in his faith and be pure until that day comes. I trust that You will be the Perfect Father that You are and keep me away from all those guys who might lead me away from You. Choosing the guy that I marry is going to be one of the biggest decisions I'll ever have to make. I ask that You send Your Spirit down upon me so that I may guard my heart and never stray away from You. I pray that You guide me to follow the path that You've laid out for me so that whatever I do, it's in accordance with Your holy Will. 

In Your Son's most holy Name,
Your daughter,
Rachel Claire

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