Thursday, March 15, 2012

He's Found Beauty

© Marisa Clare Photography
I am a rose. I have beauty deep within me, as the Holy Spirit carries my sweet fragrance through the wind. I am beautiful. However, my beauty diminishes with each sin that I commit, dropping one soft red petal to the ground at a time. As I continue on with my vain, ugly, selfish sin, my petals gather in a pile around me, until I am once again nothing but an ugly stem, completely bare from all beauty. 
But then the Gardener sees me there, a naked piece of greenery, dying from my own wrong-doings. He picks me up, takes me in, and cares for me. He still sees the beauty that has not left me entirely, but rather hidden itself behind the darkness. The Gardener nurses me until I am once again the beautiful soul that He has created me to be. He always sees me for who I am. I am beautiful. 

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