Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm on a Jesus High

© Marisa Clare Photography 
Well, it's official. I'm in love. God has completely outdone Himself with this one. I spent my weekend in beautiful Sierra Vista, praising Him with all that I am, hanging out with some of my closest friends, and learning to be the daughter of God that He's calling me to be. God has filled me with His amazing love so much this weekend, I think I might pop. I'm in love.
This entire weekend was just overflowing with beauty. God was truly present in everything: the people, the music, the laughter, the tears, the singing, the dancing, the conversations, the games...everything. My friend would often look over to me with a gleam in his eye and a small smile on his face. "There it is," he would say. And yes. There it was. I've never been so happy in my entire life. I look back on the past few days and can't help but smile. It's made my desire for holiness grow even deeper than I've ever imagined it possible. 
I've experienced a little piece of Heaven this weekend. It has made me all the more determined to reach my goal of sainthood. I've just seen too much God to ever go back to the nothingness that He managed to rescue me out of. I am such a mess. A beautiful mess, but a mess all the same. God takes that mess and turns it from a mess of the world to a mess entirely for Him. 
On Saturday night, I experienced the most beautiful Adoration in my entire life. I wept until I was completely dry. His love was just so there it became overwhelming. Adoration lasted maybe an hour or more, but it felt as if it were only a few moments. I could have sat there all night, staring into the beautiful dark brown eyes of my savior.
I rested in the Spirit for the very first time during this Adoration. Resting in the Spirit is when the Holy Spirit takes you into His Heavenly embrace and holds you close. When a person rests in the Spirit, they look as if they've fainted, but they're only spending their time fully and entirely with God. One of my best friends, Marisa (this girl), was going to go up and pray at the feet of Jesus. As she was starting to get up, I fell right onto her leg, not only pinning her leg to the ground, but apparently holding onto it for dear life, as well. It took awhile for the Core members to pry me off of her. Marisa and I go far back when it comes to awkwardness, so really this wasn't anything new. She's always there for me, always there to catch me, but only if it means catching me awkwardly with her knees. The people who were praying all around us laughed at us. But if God hadn't put her leg there, I would have fallen really hard onto the tile floor, which probably would have broken my nose or something terrible. This was just a typical Rachel/Marisa moment. 
As the girls were getting ready for bed after Adoration that night, someone mentioned how amazing it would be if we would all get together to sing a decade of the rosary. So what if it was 45 minutes after lights out? Robed only in our pajamas, the girls of room 17 ran across the hall in 35 degree weather to the other girls dorm. We barged into the room, announcing that we were all to sing together lovingly to the mother of our Lord. To the reluctance of a couple of the girls in the other dorm, we sang. "Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee..." We sang along with the saints, the harmony flowing through the breeze as if the Holy Spirit Himself were carrying the beautiful strains as the angels danced in praise with us. 
I experienced beauty, brothers and sisters. And I never want to leave Him. I'm in love. 

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