Tuesday, May 22, 2012

20 Questions: Brigid

This is the Fitzcock family. The Fitzcock family is the Fitzpatrick's and the Hitchcock's all smashed into one. Why do we smash into one? Because we belong smashed into one. That's just the way it works. But, as our two families being best friends for life is just too good to be true, they live forever and ever away. (Aka Washington.) 
BUT my lovely friend, Brigid (back row, three from the left, white shirt), and I have decided to take advantage of the internet and keep in touch through email and such. So far, it's worked. She's agreed to do another 20 questions with me. If you missed the first one I did with Josh, then, well, you can check it out because he's kinda cool.  

1. What’s your full name?
Brigid Anne Agnes Fitzpatrick
2. What’s your favorite color?
Ultra Marine
3. What’s your least favorite chore to do? 
Spaghetti Dishes
4. What’s your favorite thing to smoke?
Grape Bubble Gum Cigars
5. What color is your toothbrush?
Green and Blue
6. What song do you like to sing in the shower the most?
Jar of Hearts
7. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
The sound of water buffalo mooing
8. When you become a saint and someone writes a biography on your life, what do you want it to be called?
Yes, we were surprised she was canonized too-the patron saint of Quirks
9. If you saw Ike Ndolo at the grocery store buying fourteen gallons of peanut butter ice cream, how would you handle the situation?
Not very well, I'd probably run up and say something stalkerish like "Oh my gosh! Ike Ndolo! Are you buying all of that ice cream 'cause you’re gonna be on Drag and Gary and peanut butter is Drag's favorite flavor?!!!" Really Fast. That's only if I got up the courage to say anything to him at all and didn't just run of to tell Mary Kate that Ike Ndolo's presence was currently gracing our Wal-Mart.
10. Speaking of which, what’s your favorite kind of ice cream?
Luigi's Italian Ice in Lemonade
11. What’s the best part about waking up in the morning?
Taking a shower while listing to music
12. If you could switch places with any of the Veggietale characters for a day, who would you pick?
I would switch with Alfred and be Larry Boy's butler
13. If you could meet one saint of your choice through an apparition or whatever, who would it be and why?
St. Philomena, she's kind of like my best saint-friend. We talk a lot.
14. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
That God loves me.
15. If you were invited to eat dinner with Tim Tebow, but the only choices to eat were liver, snails, guinea pig, and lambs eyes, what would you choose? (“Nothing” is not an option.)
Liver, it's the only one I think I could choke down if I knew what I was eating. With respect to my five previous pets, if no one told me I was eating guinea pig I could probably eat and possibly enjoy it.
16. What kind of shampoo do you use?
I used to use Herbal Essences that we got from Costco but sadly that ran out so currently I'm using Tresseme vitamin plus.
17. Why did the pope call you last Tuesday?
Sadly, he had the wrong number, but it was epic just the same.
18. What’s the best part of being a Catholic?
The Eucharist.
19. What’s the longest you’ve been without taking a shower?
Four days when I was too little to care.
20. Why is Rachel Claire Hitchcock the bestest friend you could ever ask for in the entire world?
'cause she's Rockin' Awesome dude!

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