Friday, September 21, 2012

Blessed are the... Awkward?

I admit it. I am an awkward person. Okay, I guess it's obvious enough so I don't have to admit it. But still. 

My mom says I use the word "awkward" to describe too many things. And maybe I do, but it just fits in my life too perfectly. In fact, I'm sure God had that in mind when He created me. He created us all with our own beautiful little imperfections that make us human. One of my many beautiful imperfections happens to be the gift of awkwardness. But I like to look at it as a good thing. When you think about it, the humiliations that we're all bound to run into time and again are something that can bring us closer to heaven. 

I like to see all of the awkward humiliations that I manage to run into daily as something beautiful, an opportunity to make myself meek before my great God. Hmm. Come to think of it, maybe that's why He's blessed me with my awkwardness, because He knows that I'm prone to being prideful. I'm not going to argue with that. God knows what He's doing. 

We all have those situations where we just want to go sit in a hole, cry to ourselves, and maybe even die a little bit. It's a given. But we've just got to learn to embrace those moments: 

When your hand sanitizer makes that lovely farting sound when you're in a public place surrounded by cute boys? Look the closest one in the eye and say, "I swear it wasn't me." The guy will either laugh with you and move on with his life, or he'll be a poo poo lame brain and give you a weird look, only to never make eye contact with you ever again, which would only be his loss. 

When you trip on your maxi skirt and fall flat on your face? Stand up and say "Ta daa! And for my next trick..." Those around you will either give you the applause that you obviously deserve, or they'll just be on their guard and reach out to catch you every time you seem like you're going to tip. So pretty much, you'll either get applauded (which is great for one's self esteem) or you'll get your very own automatic-fall-preventer. It's kind of a win-win situation. 

And then there is that one situation, the one where it's just going to be awkward no matter how hard you try. Like when your bestie texts you, saying, "Is there anything wrong with babies? I mean, come on." But then your other bestie texts you, saying, "So now that you don't have a job, what will you be doing with all of your free time?" And then you manage to tap reply to the second text without noticing and think you're replying to the first text and of course that reply will be "why, poop of course." Situations such as these, brothers and sisters, you just have to accept as unavoidable awkwardness. 

I just happen to be the type of person to embrace those awkward moments. Heck, sometimes I might just make it a bit more awkward, for the sake of holiness, mind you. And maybe a bit a hilariousness, too. Because let's be honest with ourselves, here. Awkward moments are laugh out loud hilarious. I make myself laugh on a daily hourly minutely basis. I can't help it. I'm hilarious awkward. 

When I die, I'm going to be the patron saint of awkward situations and it's gonna be awesome

1 comment:

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