Thursday, September 13, 2012

Something Beautiful

The wet grass pricks at her skin as she gazes up at the starry night sky. She hasn't got a care in the world. All of her family problems, all of the pain in her body, all of the school assignments she has waiting for her. None of that matters. She closes her eyes and breathes in the cool pre-autumn air, letting the calm of the night wash over her. 

As she watches a star shoot its way across the night sky, a prayer starts to form in her heart. It's a prayer that she'd been afraid to say for so long, one that she's been keeping hidden in a place where no one would ever find it. But now, it seeped out, just a little bit at a time, until it had taken over her completely. Tears dripped down her face as she became more and more overwhelmed with the words that her soul cried out. These words had been hidden inside of her for too long. They came out with such force, such control, as they shot from the bottom of her spine and out into the world. 

"I give up! God, I'm completely Yours, now! I give up!" Shaking, she jumped up and shouted those words over and over again, as they shot out of her mouth so violently, as if they'd never been let out before. Exhausted, she crumpled back into the grass and sobbed, relieved of the pain that'd been hidden in those words for so long. 

The tears now gone and dried in sticky, salty smudges on her face, a smile begins to tickle at her lips. Her heart feels lighter, happier, now. A neighbor's dog barks in the distance, and she once again feels as if this life might not be so hard, after all. As the breeze wisps her long hair over her face, it seems to whisper the words that she often finds thinking to herself: This, too, shall pass. Take heart, young daughter of the Lord. For this, too, shall pass. 

She laughs to herself, a small sound in the night, and nestles back into the grass to once again gaze up at the stars. She is reminded up of the love that her beloved God has given her. This is something beautiful, something more beautiful than life itself. And that is truly beautiful. 


  1. When did you write this? :D This is so beutiful!

    1. I wrote it not long after talking with you, as a matter of fact. :)
