Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Zephaniah is Fun to Say.

I'm suffering from writer's block and I haven't written a blog post in awhile, so here's a list of the random poop that's on my mind. You're welcome. 

1. School. My teachers are becoming my BFF's. No seriously, we bond. I'm starting to get better at being more motivated to do things, but I'd still be perfectly happy if all of my classes decided to go die in a hole. 

2. Lifeteen is once again a part of my life. I am so excited over the fact that I've been able to go and fully participate for these past three LifeNights. And I only had a seizure once. This makes me so freakishly happy. God is so good. 

3. I can tell that this year is going to be a really good year. Sure, I've been experiencing a large roller coaster of emotions this past month, but I think that I'm starting to get more in control of all that. I just have really good feelings about this. Good feelings and high hopes for fantasticness. 

4. I got a new dresser. I'm simply thrilled about how much it brings my room together. It's all so clean and organized now! I've just got to keep looking on Craigslist for another one so my sister/roommate can share in this organized blissfulness. 

5. Pinterest is my new obsession. I love the array of creative hairstyles, nail art, DIY's, and organizational ideas. I mean, it's not like I would ever actually do any of that ridiculousness, but it's fun to look at. 

6. Two year olds are funny. It's my job to put my brother, Benny, down for a nap everyday and let me tell you: it takes mad skills. He's got this new thing where he won't stay asleep unless he's right on top of me, which is very annoying because I have things to go do and the WiFi in his room is barely even existent. 

7. I'm starting to develop quite an impressive collection of scarves. They are absolutely fantastic and I get complimented on them whenever I go out. Too bad Tucson only gets scarf weather maybe one month altogether in the whole year.

8. Doctor Who. No really. Doctor Who. Why is it so amazing? My wallpaper is currently a disturbing picture of the Empty Child. Ack! I love it too much. 

9. And Star Trek. My mom and I bond over our mutual love for this show. It's beautiful.

10. I get to go to a camp for people with disabilities this summer. Bonus? I might get to meet a friend that's in this Facebook prayer group with me, Mike. I would seriously die of happiness if this actually happened. I love meeting internet people. 

11. Some of the cashiers and other workers at Walmart know me. They give me compliments on my red high tops and laugh when I accidentally do stupid things in front of them. I don't see a problem with this. They're nice people. I can feel you judging me. Stop it. 

12. I've got a goal to get better enough to hold a job again. I want to start saving for college some more. And besides, I like working. Just not at Sonic. Never again. 

13. Cheetos are a gift from God. That is all. 

14. One of my poor future children is probably going to end up with a name like Zephaniah. I just get way too amused with saying things like that. Poor little future child. #sorrynotsorry 

15. Because I can't end my list with an even number. 


  1. 2. YAAAYYYYYY!!?!?!? That is Awesome!!!

    10. Are you a camper or a councilor?

    11. Who me? I'm not judging you, I make friends out of random people who go to community college (and the janitor) and McDonald's workers.

    1. 2. Right?! asdofkjewoijf I'm so happy.

      10. I'll be a camper. Because I'm just that cool. And disabled, apparently.

      11. This is why we're friends.
