Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some Lucky Guy Will Have To Deal With This Girl Someday... Poor Guy

A question that I've been getting quite a bit lately is: "Rachel, why do boys like you so much? You're so weird and so awkward... it just doesn't seem to be possible." And that got me thinking.  So I made a list of all of the qualities that God's given me that I'm sure are the reasons why I've been getting so much male attention. (I've serious gotten, like, six proposals in the last two years and countless guys asking me out. It's flattering, really., if not slightly disgusting. I mean, we all know that boys have cooties.)  
I have beautiful eyes. 
I'm really close to my family.
I love praising Jesus with all that I am.
I have a great sense in style.
I am (obviously) the most attractive of the Hitchcock girls.
I look great in a swimsuit.
I have an attractive laugh.
I'm really good at posing with ice cream. 
I can do a pull up. (So long as the camera isn't looking at my feet.)

I'm responsible and good at being the boss. 
I have big muscles.

 And not to mention the fact that I am really, really good looking. 


  1. I think it's your sparkling humor and ability to poke fun at yourself that is so attractive... oh, and you're adorable. Which is totally different than pretty, though you're that too. And you're weird, which is epic. And you have great people skills.

    Not to sound weird or anything, but any guy who is lucky enough to get you had better worship at your feet because you deigned to choose a mere mortal for you mate. Yah, that DID sound weird. Shutting up. :P


    1. Ta, that made me laugh harder than you might realize. <3

  2. This is so funny. I love this so much! Reading the humor that you write always makes me laugh.

  3. The stories from a beautiful, Catholic girl who is overflowing with love and Marian virtues. And that goes for the entire family of Hitchcock. Christ is the center of their lives and it is truly heartwarming to see them spreading the Gospel of Love by their lives. Any gentleman worthy enough to date them is a lucky man.

  4. This is soo beautiful. Any guy who gets to date you is the luckiest man ever.

  5. Aw, man! Dude, I think I broke my face from smiling at that.
