Friday, July 27, 2012

20 Questions: Marisa

This is my best friend Marisa. She's pretty much the most amazing person I know. Her goofy sense of humor, her desire for holiness, her eye for beauty that helps in both her photography and fashion. She's amazing. I can talk to her about anything. She always gives the best advice for everything. She can make me laugh in just about any situation. I admire her so much and am proud to be able to call her my best friend. 

Here's an interview I did with her a few months ago, but just haven't posted yet. (Heh. Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow...) 

1. What’s your full name?

 Chuck and that's all you need to know!

2. What’s your favorite color? 
I love all colors

3. What’s your least favorite chore to do? 

4. What’s your favorite thing to smoke? 
 I never smoke! I'm a good kid:)

5. What color is your toothbrush? 
It has Barney the dinosaur on it...don’t judge

6. What song do you like to sing in the shower the most?
This song:)

7. What’s your biggest pet peeve? 
When people use God's name in vain

8. When you become a saint and someone writes a biography on your life, what do you want it to be called? 
The awkward but awesome saint!

9. If you saw Tim Tebow at the grocery store buying fourteen gallons of peanut butter ice cream, how would you handle the situation? 
Oh I probably get my picture taken with him! And thank him for doing homeschoolers of America proud. 

10. Speaking of which, what’s your favorite kind of ice cream? 

11. What’s the best part about waking up in the morning? 
Having my green tea, and grapefruit:)

12. If you could switch places with any of the Veggietale characters for a day, who would you pick? 
 One of the French peas!

13. If you could meet one saint of your choice through an apparition or whatever, who would it be and why? 
Blessed Pier Giorgio duh.
14. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? 
My hair:)

15. If you were invited to eat dinner with Tim Tebow, but the only choices to eat were liver, snails, guinea pig, and lambs eyes, what would you choose? Oh liver for sure!

16. What kind of shampoo do you use?
17. Why did the pope call you last Tuesday? 
He called me to encourage me with my faith, to tell me to never cease praising and praying to God, and that the little things I do make an impact:)

18. What’s the best part of being a Catholic? 
The Eucharist! And being a part of one giant family:)

19. What’s the longest you’ve been without taking a shower?
 Oh 4-5 days. I really dislike taking showers that why dry shampoo is my best friend!

20. Why is Rachel Claire Hitchcock the bestest friend you could ever ask for in the entire world?
 Because she never judges me, but loves me! She makes me feel special, and blessed to be called her best friend. But the very best thing is that we both strive for holiness and to help each other strive for heaven!

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