Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tired. So Tired.

I'm done. I've said that so many times already, but I"m saying it again. I am done. I'm so tired of this. So tired of waking up every morning throwing up, tired of the going to doctor after doctor, tired of getting poked and prodded and scanned. I'm tired of getting negative results.

This just gets harder and harder. I hate not being able to walk across the house without needing to sit down halfway there. I wish I could play with my four year old little brother in the backyard and be able to jump and run around with him. I can't even stand during the Gospel reading during Mass without collapsing. I'm not even seventeen yet and I feel like a sickly eighty year old woman.

I'm so tired of this. 

I'm going to sleep now. 

Wake me up when this is over. 

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