Monday, September 3, 2012

A Pep Talk From Me to Me

Dear Rachel, 

There are a few things that I think you need to be reminded of. First of all, you don't need to worry anymore. Things have been so hard lately, but guess what? You are in the hands of Someone who is so strong, so powerful, He's defeated Death itself. And guess what else? He thinks you're the bomb diggity. He cares about you so much. He has a plan for you, a plan that will bring you happiness and peace, if only you would just give yourself up and follow Him. You don't need to worry. I know that it's hard to see what He's got planned for you right now, but honestly, you don't need to. You've just gotta trust. It's hard. It is so very hard. But that's how you can be sure that all of this will be worth it in the end. Isn't it nice to be able to look forward to that? 

And no offense, girl, but you need to smile more. You worry too much. Sure, all this might be scary to go through, but that is no excuse to cry as much as you do. This is frustrating. You feel as if you've lost a large piece of your life, but in reality, you've gained so much more. This is another one of those things where it's too hard to see right now, but you have to trust in Him. He's got a plan for you and everything is going to turn out absolutely beautiful. Smile. Life is so beautiful. 

Let's be honest with ourselves here. God has blessed you with so many wonderful people to help you through this: your parents, your siblings, your friends, the Core members at lifeteen, the doctors, all those who remember you in their prayers. Seriously. Why do you ever doubt that God's got your back? 

Chin up, girl. This, too, shall pass. Don't you ever give up hope. Don't be afraid. I can't say this enough: God has a plan for you and you don't need to worry about a thing. Pray always. Mary is your best friend. All of the saints will pray for you and help you as you work your way to, one day, be one of them. Don't ever let fear overcome you. Your God is so much bigger than that. 

Stay strong. This is all going to be worth it in the end. 

Remember that true peace and happiness can only be found in Christ. And in Christ, we stay. 

Much love,

P.S. God made you special and He loves you very much! 

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