Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Okay. Being Sad Isn't Working for Me.

I've spent the last couple of weeks or so sitting around the house feeling sorry for myself. Moping around the house, not really feeling like doing anything productive, biting off the head of anyone who dares come near me... yeah. It hasn't been the best part of my life.
After a good long talk with my amazing God, He made me realize that things really aren't so bad after all. He's given me so many reasons to be happy. I've spent far too much time depressed over things that I haven't been able to appreciate the beautiful parts of my story that He's been so wonderful to write for me. Especially in hard times, He deserves my praise. I've just got to learn to dance in the rain. 
God is so good, life is so beautiful. Hallelujah! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes. God is great.
    I know how we are feeling when we are truly feeling sad.
    Just remember one thing that we have many resons to be happy. So don't be sad. Okay!?
