Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sister Sister

My God,

You're calling my sister to You, to be Your bride. And she's running to You with her arms open, ready to serve You in any way that You desire. Her love for You is endless, and I know she will make for a wonderful bride for You. You deserve someone as amazing as my big sister. She's going to look beautiful in her habit. 

Remember when I told You that I am completely Yours? Remember how I promised that anything that I had was Yours to take? Well, I meant every word. I will continue to live up to that promise every day of my life. However, I do think I'm going to need some help.I never thought that you were going to take my sister, the one person in my life that I'm closest to. I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to let go. 

My God, grant me peace. 

You see her as she goes on all those discernment retreats with the Sisters. You protect her as she travels around the country, and You guide her so that she might one day find the order that You want her to become a part of. She follows Your calling willingly and joyfully, and she never fails to come home with a thousand stories about the Sisters and how much she loved her visits with them. She always comes home so happy. And that makes me happy. 

But at the same time, never have I been so unhappy. I know You're watching over me as I sit on my bed each night she's away, afraid of the sacrifice You're calling me to make for the sake of my sister's vocation. You see every tear that drips down my face, and You know the fears I hold in my heart. I know You hear my cries for help to let go, to let You take my sister without a moment of hesitation. But I trust You, even though it seems like You're holding back on that. I know You have a reason for letting me sit here feeling such distress over this. 

I do realize how silly and selfish I sound right now. I mean, it's not like I really have a choice. But even if I did, I would still give her up for You. You know I would. But right now, what is it that's holding me back? Why is this so hard? You're calling her to be with You. My prayer is a constant plea for You to help me find peace in this. But even as I sit in front of You in the Blessed Sacrament, but heart becomes even heavier. I feel guilty that I feel so sad about my sister responding to Your call for her. I feel like I'm holding something back from You. 

I'm afraid of losing her. My goodness, I'm like a two year old right now. I say "Here, Father. You may have anything." And then when You take it, I only pull it back with a cry of "No, Father!" Except not really. I'm not saying no to You. But I am saying that I'm afraid. I do trust that You're holding us both close to Your heart. This will be good because I know that You are good. 

I offer up all of my fears and distress up to You. I am forever Your servant. Lead the way, my Shepherd. I am Your little lamb and I will love You always. I pray for peace.

With all my love,


  1. Hi Rachel! This post is really awesome. My heart hurts (and at the same time rejoices) for what you and your sister are going through. My sister and I went through a similar situation when I was called into marriage. It was a different kind of grief. And these feelings are normal! God knows our hearts and knows that the bond between sisters is one of the strongest there is. Now that I am married, my relationship with my sister is even stronger. I miss her and it's different, but there is so much more love and appreciation. I am praying for you and your sister!

  2. I totally understand your feeling, and tough I have never experienced something like this before, I regocnize myself in you. Just the way you think and write.
    You're an amazing person, really, I'd like to know you! I will pray for you and for your sister.

    p.s, I think we share the same love for the rosary ;)

  3. This is such a wonderful post full of beautiful sorrow. Is Kateri officially sure of her vocation now? I know it will be hard for you and your family to give her to God, but I also see the same joy in her as you. She will be amazing, and so will you. I can't wait to see you take the next leap of your life into college! :)

  4. Hey Rachel! You are so amazing! I am praying for you and your sister! :)
